This September marked Asahi Shipping’s 75th anniversary of foundation.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to our stakeholders for using our services and supporting us over many years.
Having been exposed to a lot of uncertainty and variable factors, international maritime industries are facing a big change of environment now again. It is quite a challenge which Asahi Shipping has never experienced to tackle “Zero-Emission” of GHG (Greenhouse Gases). Asahi Shipping keeps moving ahead with its expertise, technological prowess and innovation of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) group that helps strengthen the ESG management.
Also, with deepening your comprehension and promoting communication through this website in mind, I hope Asahi Shipping to be the one which fulfills its social responsibilities in the global field and to be trusted by society.
Thank you for your continued support.
October, 2021
Satoshi NEMOTO
President ・ Executive Officer
Hamamatsucho Square 30-5, Hamamatsucho 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0013, Japan
Copyright © Asahi Shipping Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.