Aug. 1946 | Established in Takanawa-Minami-cho by Tokyu Corporation. |
Feb. 1948 | Delivery of bulk carrier; MV”ASAMA MARU, MV “AMAGI MARU”, MV “ATAGO MARU“, MV “AMAZON MARU“, MV “AKAIWA MARU” and MV “AZUMAYA MARU“. |
Aug. 1965 | Delivery of our first large tanker MV “TAMA MARU“. |
Aug. 1967 | Delivery of our first ore carrier MV “SHIN KYOKU MARU” for Kobe Factory of Kobe Steel, Ltd. |
Aug. 1970 | Delivery of MV “HARIMA MARU” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
Apr. 1973 | Delivery of MV “KOUNAN MARU” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
Nov. 1979 | Delivery of MV “KYOKU SHO MARU” as our sole owning vessel and the successor to MV “SHIN KYOKU MARU”. |
Sep. 1981 | Delivery of MV “OYASHIMA MARU” as our sole owning vessel and the successor to MV “HARIMA MARU”. |
Jun. 1985 | Delivery of MV “SETSUYO MARU” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
Jul. 1987 | Kobe Steel, Ltd. and Nippon Yusen Kaisha became the largest equal share holders. |
Jul. 1993 | Asahi Shipping started mixed boarding with Japanese and Philippine crews. |
Apr. 1994 | Asahi Shipping joined the Gaiko Romu Kyokai (Present:Class NK/Gaiko Romu Bukai). |
Dec. 1994 | Delivery of the first MV “ASAHI MARU” as the successor of MV “KYOKU SHO MARU”. |
Sep. 1996 | Moved the head office to Kaigan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo. |
Dec. 1997 | Acquired Document of Compliance (DOC) settled by International Safety Management code (ISM). |
Nov. 1998 | Started managing and controlling vessels. |
Jan. 1999 | Delivery of MV “GREAT SUNRISE” as our sole owning vessel and the successor to MV “OYASHIMA MARU”. |
Feb. 2002 | Delivery of MV “EL SOL SALE” for Kobe Power Plant of Kobe Steel, Ltd.. |
Jul. 2002 | Asahi Shipping made voyage contract with a domestic eletric power company. |
Sep. 2002 | Nippon Yusen Kaisha became the top stockholder. |
Jun. 2003 | Delivery of MV “GRANDE SOLARIS” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
Dec. 2006 | Delivery of MV “RISING SUN” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
Mar. 2009 | Asahi Shipping was approved to adopt Tonnage Tax System by MLIT (Ministry of Land, Inflastracture, Transportation and Tourism). |
Jul. 2010 | Delivery of MV “SUNRISE SERENITY” as a shared vessel with Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |
May. 2011 | Delivery of MV “KEY HUNTER“. |
Oct. 2011 | Head office transfered to Hamamatsucho,Minatoku,Tokyo. |
Oct. 2012 | Asahi Shipping took part in the project of Marine Binary Power Generation System by Kobe Steel, Ltd. |
Jul. 2013 | Class NK recommended the project of Marine Binary Power Generation System to MLIT’s support business on the technological developments of CO₂ reduction. |
Jul. 2014 | Head office transfered to Nishishimbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo. |
Oct. 2014 | Asahi Shipping opened a substation in Kakogawa, Japan. |
Mar. 2017 | Delivery of the new “ASAHI MARU” as the successor to the first “ASAHI MARU” . |
Feb. 2019 | Asahi Shipping opened a substation in Kobe, Japan. |
Mar. 2021 | Delivery of the “TONQUIPEARL” to the Kobe Power Plant of Kobe Steel, Ltd. |
Apr. 2022 | Head office transfered to Hamamatsucho,Minatoku,Tokyo. |
Hamamatsucho Square 30-5, Hamamatsucho 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0013, Japan
Copyright © Asahi Shipping Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.