(Established in August 2021)
As a member of the NYK Group, we have integrated ESG (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) into corporate management and are working to achieve sustainable growth from our own unique perspective while using the “ESG” yardstick, which measures the contributions to solving the environmental and social problems, in addition to the traditional “Economic” yardstick. As part of this initiative, a group of young and mid-career employees who will be the future of the company have come together to create and propose the following concept (ESG Story) for the ESG activities at Asahi Shipping.
Directed toward the 100th anniversary and thereafter - Moving forward with the ESG activities
This year, Asahi Shipping celebrated its 75th anniversary.
Over the years, we have adapted to the changing eras and continued to provide stable, safe maritime shipping service for mainly steelmaking raw materials and steaming coal based on support from our customers and society as a whole.
The world is now at a major crossroads.
Directed at achieving growth over the next 25 years and thereafter, we will sincerely address the current and future social issues such as environmental responses, energy revolution, transformative technological progress and diversity & inclusion, and in order to continue being the company that is chosen by customers and society, we will actively carry out ESG activities from our own unique perspective and work to create new corporate value.
Vision for the environment
As a maritime shipping provider, we are aware that we constantly emit carbon dioxide and believe that we must quickly take steps to reduce those emissions in order to realize a sustainable society. Along with technological innovation and stricter government regulations, the accumulation of small acts such as increasing awareness of conservation on an individual level and providing education on the spirit of environmental preservation will be essential for realizing a carbon-free society. In addition, taking action to prevent maritime pollution is also a pressing issue.
Asahi Shipping, which is also involved in shipping fuels used for electrical power generation, will aim to achieve sustainable growth as a company while contributing to the global environment and oceans and addressing the problem of carbon dioxide emissions, including active participation in the energy revolution.
Specific actions
A large number of seafarers work aboard our vessels and support daily operations.
We strive to provide an environment in which those seafarers, who are essential workers that support modern society, can work safely and securely.
As one example, we have adopted Kobe Steel’s patented anti-bacterial coating technology KENIFINE™ to improve hygiene onboard the vessels. KENIFINE™ has been found to also be highly effective against COVID-19, and we will expand the scope of use to further create a safe working environment for the seafarers.
Also, with the aim of providing children who are our future an opportunity to “think about the ocean”, in August and October 2020, we hosted an “ocean class” at the Kakogawa Maritime Culture Center located in Kakogawa City in Hyogo Prefecture, home of a steel mill belonging to our primary customer Kobe Steel. During the classes, we helped local children and their parents make boats that actually move using readily available items. Going forward, we will continue to conduct such activities aimed at creating a good relationship with the local community.
In addition, a new ESG section introducing our ESG activities has been added to the company homepage. This section includes a “Ships for Kids” site that uses actual pictures and videos taken aboard the vessels to provide an easy to understand explanation of cargo ships (bulk carriers) and their operations to children.
Keywords for the ESG activities
In the 2020-2023 Medium-Term Management Plan “Share the Same Picture”, “Build strong relationships”, “Educate” and “Modernize” have been set forth as keywords for strengthening the company.
These keywords will also be a framework when conducting external ESG activities.
Future activities
Build strong relationships
Actively work to solve the social issues based on a strong awareness of coexisting and building strong relationships particularly with everyone outside the company, including customers, business partners, other stakeholders and society.
Promote understanding of maritime shipping among the younger generations and work to make maritime shipping an appealing future career option.
Direct attention to and actively develop innovative technology.
Going forward, we will continue to plan and propose activities centered on the local regions with which we have strong ties and conduct highly satisfying activities that will be well received by everyone in the local community, as well as among our customers.
In conclusion
Our ESG activities will be conducted under an original theme of E (Engagement), S (Satisfaction), G (Gain) based on the targets set forth in the Medium-Term Management Plan “Share the Same Picture”.
First, we will firmly engage with our customers and other external stakeholders (Engagement), come together as a company (Engagement) and share our goal of becoming an even better company. Then, we will work to improve the work performance of each and every employee, increase the quality of the systems and organizations that support those operations and provide service that fulfills customer expectations (Satisfaction). As a result, we will earn appropriate profits as a company (Gain) and return those profits and make other contributions to society.
Based on our belief that the true capability as an organization supports the quality of both the company and its people, we will work to “further strengthen the foundation of the company”. While maintaining the good traditions accumulated over the past 75 years, during this current period of change, we will transform ourselves and solidify the foundation of the company. As a result, we will be recognized by customers, business partners and all stakeholders as a valuable company, and through unique ESG activities aimed at building a win-win relationship with society, we will work to realize an Asahi Shipping that is trusted and accepted.